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Decrease in pregnancy rate after endometrial scratch in women undergoing a first or second in vitro fertilization. A multicenter randomized controlled trial

Human Reproduction Dec 21, 2018

Frantz S, et al. - In view of the several studies suggesting improvement in embryo implantation in relation to physical scratch of the endometrium before an IVF attempt, researchers investigated the impact of this procedure in women undergoing a first or second IVF/ICSI attempt on the clinical pregnancy rate (CPR). In this randomized controlled multi-center, two-arm, parallel trial, they randomly assigned patients to either the endometrial scratch (ES) arm or the non-ES arm. They performed 68 embryo transfers in the ES arm and 64 in the non-ES arm. Under the technical conditions of this study, CPR did not improve when ES was performed in women undergoing their first or second IVF/ICSI attempt.
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