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Dataset for the reporting of carcinoma of the esophagus in resection specimens: Recommendations from the international collaboration on cancer reporting

Human Pathology Jun 20, 2021

Lam AK, Bourke MJ, Chen R, et al. - To improve cancer patient outcomes and international benchmarking in cancer management, a standardized data set for esophageal carcinoma pathology reporting was developed based on the approach of the International Collaboration on Cancer Reporting (ICCR). For esophageal carcinoma, the ICCR convened a multidisciplinary international expert panel to distinguish the best evidence-based clinical and pathological parameters for inclusion. For surgically resected specimens of the esophagus, this is the first international peer-reviewed structured reporting data set. This study’s findings demonstrate that ICCR carcinoma of the esophagus data set is recommended for routine use globally and is a valuable tool to support standardized reporting, to benefit patient care by providing diagnostic and prognostic best-practice parameters.

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