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Darbepoetin alfa in patients with advanced CKD without diabetes: Randomized, controlled trial

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Apr 08, 2020

Hayashi T, Maruyama S, Nangaku M, et al. - Given the impact of anemia correction by erythropoiesis-stimulating agents may vary between CKD subpopulations, researchers assessed the impact of targeting hemoglobin levels of 11–13 g/dl using darbepoetin alfa with reference to a low-hemoglobin target of 9–11 g/dl on kidney outcome among patients suffering from advanced CKD without diabetes in Japan. In this multicenter, randomized, open-label, parallel-group investigation, named as Prevention of ESKD by Darbepoetin Alfa in CKD Patients with Non-diabetic Kidney Disease study, a total of 491 patients having CKD without diabetes, and an eGFR of 8–20 ml/min per 1.73 m2 were enrolled. Twelve patients were eliminated. A kidney composite endpoint (initiating maintenance dialysis, kidney transplantation, eGFR ≤ 6 ml/min per 1.73 m2, and 50% decline in eGFR) was the primary outcome. Findings revealed no improvement in kidney outcome as a result of targeting a higher hemoglobin level (11–13 g/dl) with darbepoetin alfa vs targeting a lower hemoglobin level (9–11 g/dl) in this patient population.

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