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Dairy- and supplement-based calcium intake in adulthood and vertebral dimensions in midlife—The Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 Study

Osteoporosis International May 10, 2019

Oura P, et al. - Researchers examined how dairy- and supplement-based calcium (Ca) intake in adulthood are associated with vertebral cross-sectional area (CSA) in midlife among a representative sample of 1,064 people from the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966. At age 46, these individuals had lumbar magnetic resonance imaging, and self-reported diet and Ca intake (dairy consumption and use of Ca supplements) at the ages of 31 and 46. They noted 3.8% smaller midlife vertebral CSA among women with inadequate Ca intake (< 800 mg/day) vs women with adequate Ca intake, suggesting decreased spinal resilience among middle-aged women with inadequate Ca intake. Men displayed no correlation between Ca intake and vertebral CSA.

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