Daily dietary phosphorus intake variability and hemodialysis patient adherence to phosphate binder therapy
Hemodialysis International Jul 28, 2019
Tao X, et al. - In this cross-sectional study, researchers quantified phosphorus consumption and assessed individual phosphate-binder use in hemodialysis patients. They used a 3-day duplicate portion sampling method together with chemical analysis to evaluate dietary phosphorus consumption. The Morisky Medication Adherence Scale was used to assess patients' adherence to phosphate binders, inadequate adherence was defined by a score of <6. A higher intake of phosphorus on dialysis days vs on non-dialysis days was reported in hemodialysis patients. For protein and energy consumption, such a pattern was not clearly identified. Extra barriers for phosphate control, for patients attaining phosphorus intake recommendation, could be posed by medication nonadherence which most likely resulted from the patient's necessity beliefs.
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