Daily activity performance in congenital and childhood forms of myotonic dystrophy type 1: A population-based study
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology Jan 26, 2020
Eriksson BM, et al. - Utilizing a standardized observational instrument: the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills, researchers identified and reported the profile characterizing motor and process skills during daily activity performance in people with congenital and childhood forms of myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) and examined variations in performance between subgroups. They divided participants (n = 60) into severe congenital (n = 9), mild congenital (n = 20), and childhood (n = 31) DM1 subgroups. According to results, extensive deficits in the performance of daily activity were found in congenital and childhood forms of DM1, mainly due to deficient process competences. Such skills affect the ability to perform daily activities and may explain dependency in DM1-individuals. Process skills should be taken into account when evaluating the performance of everyday activities.
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