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Cytokine, chemokine and growth factor levels in peri-implant sulcus during wound healing and osseointegration after piezosurgical vs conventional implant site preparation: Randomized, controlled, split-mouth trial

Journal of Periodontology Dec 19, 2018

Gürkan A, et al. - Authors assessed the cytokine, chemokine and growth factor levels in peri-implant sulcular fluid (PISF) during healing and osseointegration at osteotomy sites prepared either with piezosurgery (PS) or drills. They enrolled 14 patients having contralateral partial edentulism in the posterior maxilla and 38 osteotomies were prepared. Findings suggested similariy of the implants placed into osteotomies created with PS and drills in terms of PISF biomarker changes during osseointegration and wound healing. Taking the clinical and crestal bone loss (CBL) parameters into account together with the molecular data, they can speculate that PS and conventional drill osteotomy have similar impacts on peri-implant tissues on the biochemical, clinical and radiological levels.
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