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Cyclodiode laser as the first surgical approach in childhood glaucoma under the age of 8 years

Journal of Glaucoma Apr 08, 2021

Sakaorat P, Mohamed-Noriega J, Sharara A, et al. - In this retrospective, consecutive, noncomparative case series, researchers sought to assess the treatment outcome of cyclodiode laser in childhood glaucoma for patients under the age of 8 years. The sample consisted of all childhood glaucoma patients who underwent cyclodiode as a primary surgical treatment under the age of 8 years from March 2005 to January 2017. In total, 59 eyes from 43 patients were examined. Aphakic glaucoma was the most common diagnosis. Findings suggested that cyclodiode laser in childhood glaucoma patients under the age of 8 years can be considered a safe alternative for glaucoma patients who are at high risk of surgical complications. The use of a cyclodiode laser can postpone the need for penetrating glaucoma surgery. At 6 weeks, the IOP may be a good predictor of treatment outcome.

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