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Cycled phototherapy dose-finding study for extremely low-birth-weight infants: A randomized clinical trial

JAMA Apr 30, 2020

Arnold C, Tyson JE, Pedroza C, et al. - In this dose-finding randomized clinical trial, researchers identified a cycled phototherapy (PT) regimen that substantially reduces PT exposure, with an increase in mean peak total serum bilirubin (TSB) level lower than 1.5 mg/dL in extremely low-birth-weight (ELBW) infants. This investigation was carried out from March 12, 2014, to November 14, 2018. Participants in the study were 305 infants (mean [SD] birth weight, 749 [152] g; gestational age, 25.7 [1.9] weeks; 81 infants [27%] were multiple births; 137 infants [45%] were male; 112 [37%] were black infants; and 107 [35%] were Hispanic infants). Cycled PT will greatly reduce total PT with little increase in peak TSB level. A large, randomized trial is required to determine whether cycled PT in small, preterm infants will increase survival and survival without any impairments.

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