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Cutaneous cysts: A clinicopathologic analysis of 2,438 cases

International Journal of Dermatology Feb 12, 2020

Kamyab K, et al. - In this descriptive study involving 2,438 cases who had a diagnosis of cyst confirmed with pathology, researchers sought to analyze the clinicopathologic findings of these lesions and also the significance of histological evaluation for prevention of misdiagnosing a benign-appearing malignant lesion. Patient data, including gender, age, location, prevalence, complications, and microscopic evaluation were collected over the 6-year period between 2011 and 2017. Two thousand seventy-seven had the pathologic diagnosis of cysts from a total of 2,438 records with a clinical diagnosis of a mucocutaneous cyst. There were 910 women and 1,167 men with a mean age of 42. Findings revealed that the most common mucocutaneous cysts were epidermal cyst 994 followed by trichilemmal cyst 495. The most common site of involvement was face, while axilla and genitalia were the least. It was noted that basal cell carcinoma in 22 was the most common one. Often the use of clinical investigation alone might be insufficient to make a definitive diagnosis and lead to missing some malignant lesions mimicking the appearance of benign skin lesions. Biopsy of all cutaneous cysts is obviously not feasible or cost-effective, but there are some high-risk cysts that should warn the clinician, causing a biopsy to take place.
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