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Current practice in dialysis central venous catheter management: Multi‐disciplinary renal team perspectives

Nephrology Apr 08, 2020

Craswell A, Massey D, Wallis M, et al. - Researchers undertook this qualitative descriptive analysis to analyze the current practices associated with the insertion, management as well as removal of dialysis central venous catheters (CVCs) used in patients suffering from chronic kidney disease needing haemodialysis. Surgeons, interventional radiologists, renal physicians, dialysis nurses, renal access nurses and renal researchers engaged in the care of patients with chronic kidney disease needing haemodialysis were interrogated. This study involved eight hospitals in six states and territories of Australia. According to the findings, there exists a central role of the interdisciplinary team in the insertion, maintenance, removal as well as education of patients about dialysis CVCs. Clinicians temper research‐based decision‐making regarding central dialysis access catheter management with knowledge of individual, environmental and patient factors. It was also noted that strategies to make sure guidelines are properly translated for use in a wide variety of settings are important for patient safety.

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