Cumulative live birth rates according to the number of oocytes retrieved after the first ovarian stimulation for in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection: A multicenter multinational analysis including ~15,000 women
Fertility and Sterility Sep 12, 2018
Polyzos NP, et al. - Researchers performed the largest multicenter study using individual patient data to examine the association between the number of oocytes retrieved after the first ovarian stimulation for in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection and cumulative live birth rates. They observed a significant progressive increase of cumulative live birth rate with the number of oocytes, suggesting that in good-prognosis women less than 40-year-old, ovarian stimulation may not have a detrimental effect on oocyte/embryo quality. However, despite a possibility of further increase in cumulative live birth rates with the very high ovarian response, ovarian stimulation should be rational and avoid extreme response in terms of oocytes retrieved to preserve patients' convenience and safety and avoid ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome or other iatrogenic complications.
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