Cumulative live birth rate in freeze-all cycles is comparable to that of a conventional embryo transfer policy at the cleavage stage but superior at the blastocyst stage
Fertility and Sterility Sep 12, 2018
Zacà C, et al. - Researchers performed a retrospective, matched, multicenter cohort study to assess if the freeze-all policy ensures a higher efficacy in terms of cumulative live birth rate (CLBR) in comparison with a conventional fresh/frozen embryo transfer (ET) approach in patients with normal ovarian response. Analysis of 564 completed IVF cycles in which an average of 12–18 oocytes were retrieved was done revealing the equivalent clinical performance of the freeze-all policy to that of the conventional strategy when ET is carried out at the cleavage stage. However, freeze-all policy appeared superior when associated with cryopreservation and transfer at the blastocyst stage.
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