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Cryoneurolysis before total knee arthroplasty in patients with severe osteoarthritis for reduction of postoperative pain and opioid use in a single- center randomized controlled trial

Journal of Arthroplasty Dec 07, 2020

Mihalko WM, Kerkhof AL, Ford MC, et al. - This study was sought to evaluate whether the preoperative cryoneurolysis of the superficial genicular nerves in patients with osteoarthritis decrease postoperative opioid use relative to standard of care (SOC) treatment in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Researchers included individuals who received either cryoneurolysis (intent-to-treat [ITT]: n = 62) or SOC (ITT: n = 62). The primary outcome included cumulative opioid consumption in total daily morphine equivalents from discharge to the 6-week study follow-up assessment. Variations in pain and functional scores were considered as secondary outcomes. Findings from the PP analysis imply that in patients with knee osteoarthritis, preoperative cryoneurolysis can decrease opioid consumption and improve functional outcomes after TKA.

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