Cost effectiveness of nifedipine compared to atosiban in the treatment of threatened preterm birth (APOSTEL III trial)
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Feb 17, 2019
Nijman TAJ, et al. - Researchers designed an economic analysis alongside a randomized clinical trial (the APOSTEL III study), to assess the cost-effectiveness of treatment with nifedipine compared to atosiban in women with threatened preterm birth. At Obstetric Departments of twelve tertiary hospitals and seven secondary hospitals in the Netherlands and Belgium, they randomized women with threatened preterm birth between 25 and 34 weeks of gestation, for tocolysis with either nifedipine or atosiban. They realized lower costs with treatment with nifedipine in these women. The difference in costs was mainly because of a lower neonatal intensive care unit admission (NICU) rate in the nifedipine group. However, a non-significantly higher death rate in the nifedipine group warrants further investigation regarding its safety.
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