Cost-effectiveness of antiosteoporosis strategies for postmenopausal women with osteoporosis in China
Menopause Aug 05, 2019
Li N, et al. - Via constructing a Markov model, using TreeAge Pro 2015 software, that simulated the disease process over 40 years in response to the five investigated therapeutic strategies (alendronate, zoledronate, raloxifene, teriparatide, and calcium/vitamin D), researchers sought to determine the cost-effectiveness of the therapeutic strategies for osteoporosis in elderly postmenopausal women in China from the medical system perspective. At the cost of $3,799.72, $8,425.61, $9,849.89, $34,843.72, and $13,353.33, the calcium/vitamin D strategy, zoledronate, alendronate, teriparatide, and raloxifene offered patients 10.24, 10.83, 10.70, 10.88, and 10.54 QALYs, respectively, for over 40 years. The highest cost-efficacy of zoledronate was reported compared with the calcium/vitamin D strategy, alendronate, raloxifene, and teriparatide in the treatment of osteoporosis in elderly postmenopausal women when the perspective of the Chinese medical system was considered. A major limitation was not factoring the parameters of adherence and persistence in, and consequent variability in treatment effectiveness relative risks. However, it is expected that the conclusion that zoledronate is the most economical strategy won't be affected by this limitation.
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