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Cost-effectiveness analysis for HbA1c test intervals to screen patients with type 2 diabetes based on risk stratification

BMC Endocrine Disorders May 28, 2021

Ohde S, et al. - This study sought to perform a cost-effectiveness analysis for HbA1c test intervals to screen patients with type 2 diabetes based on risk stratification. Researchers established state transition models to explore the optimal screening interval for new cases of T2DM among each age- and BMI-stratified health individuals. Among the elderly at all ages, the obesity at all ages, and the overweight in the 45–59-year-old group, the three-year screening interval was optimal. The optimal HbA1c test interval could be longer than 3 years for those in the low-BMI and younger age groups. It was shown that annual screening to detect T2DM was not cost-effective and should not be applied in any population.

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