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Cortisol awakening response and additive serotonergic genetic risk interactively predict depression in two samples: The 2019 Donald F. Klein Early Career Investigator Award Paper

Depression and Anxiety Apr 29, 2019

Vrshek-Schallhorn S, et al. - In 201 emerging adults using four annual follow-up interviews, researchers tested if a 6-variant multilocus genetic profile score (MGPS) [a 5-variant additive serotoninergic MGPS plus 5HTTLPR (serotonin transporter polymorphism)] would interact with cortisol awakening response (CAR) to predict prospective depressive episode onsets. In addition, they examined the predictive value of MGPS for CAR. In a sample of 77 early adolescents, replication of significant findings was attempted predicting depression symptoms. In sample 1, no significant predictive value of MGPS for CAR was noted. They noted interaction of MGPS with CAR to predict depressive episodes; CAR slopes for depression steepened as MGPS increased, for risk or protection. Despite significant interaction of CAR with both 5HTTLPR and the original MGPS, no single variant accounted for results. In sample 2, they observed significant interaction of the 6-variant MGPS with CAR to predict depression symptoms.
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