Cortical bone trajectory screws for circumferential arthrodesis in lumbar degenerative spine: Cinical and radiological outcomes of 101 cases
European Spine Journal Apr 20, 2018
Marengo N, et al. - Authors sought to assess the clinical and radiological outcomes of CBT arthrodesis for the degenerative lumbosacral disease. They noted this study to be the largest available study regarding CBT for circumferential arthrodesis. The safety of this technique and the promising clinical and radiological outcomes that needed a longer follow-up were underlined in this study. Findings suggested that per procedure the mean operative blood loss was 383 ml and X-ray dose was 1.60 mg cm2. At the treated level, mean lordosis increment was 4.2°. In 94% of cases, fusion was obtained when the follow-up was longer than 12 months. Statistically significant improvement in mean ODI and VAS index was seen.
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