Correlations between pain in the back and neck/upper limb in the European Working Conditions Survey
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Jan 29, 2019
Rizzello E, et al. - Using data from the fifth (2010) and sixth (2015) European Working Conditions Surveys from 2010 to 2015, researchers analyzed the association of pain prevalent in the back to that of neck/upper limb pain among population across 33 European countries, and also between the changes in pain prevalence at the 2 anatomical sites. They calculated one-year population prevalence of back pain ranged from 23% in Ireland to 66% in Portugal, and that of pain in the neck/upper limb from 25% in Ireland to 69% in Finland, in 2010 and a similar pattern in 2015. They also noted an alteration in the prevalence of pain ie, for back pain, varied from − 41.4% (Hungary) to + 29.6% (Ireland), with a mean across countries of − 3.0%, and for neck/upper limb pain, change was from − 41.0% (Hungary) to + 44.1% (Romania), with an average of − 0.1%.
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