Correlation of short knee radiographs and full-length radiographs in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty
Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons May 30, 2019
Alzahrani MM, et al. - Given that the ability to control coronal alignment largely accounts for clinical success and longevity of a primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA), researchers evaluated the accuracy of coronal alignment measurements using a single short knee radiograph (SKR) vs full-length radiographs (FLRs). They used the institutional database and obtained radiographs of 236 limbs from patients who have had pre- and postoperative FLRs for their primary TKA in 2014. Based on the findings, they concluded that SKRs could appropriately replace FLRs as a tool for the assessment of primary TKA coronal alignment, particularly in the postoperative evaluation of these patients.
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