Correlation between the incidence and attributable mortality fraction of acute kidney injury: A systematic review
Blood Purification Jan 27, 2020
Komaru Y, Inokuchi R, Iwagami M, et al. - By performing a systematic review of relevant studies, researchers inquired about the correlation between acute kidney injury (AKI) incidence and its associated mortality. The included studies were identified from MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library, from 2004 to 2018. Studies involving a small number of participants (< 500 for adult cohorts, 50 for pediatric cohorts) were rejected. They used a regression model to assess the correlation among AKI incidence, death, and AKI-attributable fraction of death. Overall 287 eligible cohorts were analyzed. Within adult cohorts, they noted raised mortality of AKI patients but a reduction in the attributable fraction of mortality with the increasing AKI incidence. A lower crude AKI patients’ mortality was seen in both more recent publications and higher gross domestic product countries, though no reduction was evident in AKI-attributable fraction. Findings revealed a relatively low AKI-attributable mortality fraction in cohorts with high AKI incidence, this indicates a benefit of more experienced AKI management.
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