Correlation between panoramic radiography and cone-beam computed tomography in assessing maxillary impacted canines
The Angle Orthodontist Mar 30, 2018
Ngo CTT, et al. - Experts assessed the usefulness of panoramic radiographs in determining the labio-palatal position of maxillary impacted canines (MICs) and root resorption of permanent incisors on cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) in correlation with the mesiodistal position of MICs on panoramic radiographs. A statistically significant association between sectors of the MICs on panoramic images and the labio-palatal position of the MICs on CBCT was noted. Using sector location on panoramic radiographs, the labio-palatal position of MICs and resorption of permanent incisors could be predicted using sector location on panoramic radiographs.
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