Correlation between multifidus fatty atrophy and lumbar disc degeneration in low back pain
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Sep 13, 2019
Faur C, et al. - In this retrospective analysis involving 16 males and 19 females (mean age was 47.2 years) with chronic low back pain (LBP; second most common reason for seeking medical advice), experts aspired to explore whether the grade of lumbar disc degeneration correlates with the degree of lumbar multifidus muscle (LMM) fatty atrophy. According to findings, the fatty atrophy was seen mainly medially and deeply in the lumbar spine's transverse MRI scans. The percentage of multifidus muscle atrophy in the lower levels (L5/S1) is higher and correlated to the degeneration grade of the disc. There have been higher fatty atrophy scores in female and more disc degeneration in male.
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