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Correlation between modified trochleocapitellar index and post-traumatic elbow stiffness in type C2-3 distal humeral fractures among adults

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery May 24, 2020

10.1016/j.jse.2020.02.016, et al. - This study was intended to propose the modified trochleocapitellar index (mTCI), evaluate its reliability, and investigate its association with post-traumatic elbow stiffness in type C2-3 distal humeral fractures among adults. Researchers included a sum of 141 patients with type C2-3 distal humeral fractures From January 2013 to June 2017. They estimated mTCI as the ratio between the modified trochlear and capitellar angles relative to the humeral axis (mTCI-HA), lateral humeral line (mTCI-LHL), and medial humeral line (mTCI-MHL) from anteroposterior radiographs taken immediately after the operation. It was shown that the mTCI assessment procedure is reliable. Among adult patients with type C2-3 distal humeral fractures, either too small or too large mTCI values were correlated with post-traumatic elbow stiffness. Compared with mTCI-LHL and mTCI-MHL, the mTCI-HA exhibited a better predictive value.

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