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Correlation and compatibility between surface respiratory electromyography and transesophageal diaphragmatic electromyography measurements during treadmill exercise in stable patients with COPD

International Journal of COPD Nov 17, 2017

Wu WL, et al. - This inquiry was set up to assess the compatibility as well as correlation between noninvasive surface respiratory electromyography and invasive transesophageal diaphragmatic electromyography measurements as facilitating indicators of neural respiratory drive (NRD) evaluation during treadmill exercise. Researchers quantified transesophageal diaphragmatic electromyogram activity (EMGdi,es), surface diaphragmatic EMG activity (EMGdi,sur), surface parasternal intercostal muscle EMG activity (EMGpara), and surface sternocleidomastoid EMG activity (EMGsc) using the root mean square (RMS), represented as RMSdi,es, RMSdi,sur, RMSpara, and RMSsc, respectively. Findings showed that RMSdi,sur, RMSpara, and RMSsc could afford useful physiological markers of NRD in COPD. In stable patients with COPD, RMSpara demonstrated the best compatibility and correlation with transesophageal diaphragmatic electromyography during treadmill exercise.
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