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Correlates of future violence in people being treated for schizophrenia

American Journal of Psychiatry Sep 06, 2019

Buchanan A, et al. - Researchers sought to present data on the correlates of violence among individuals with schizophrenia, which may allow better risk assessment and care. They identified this study as the first longitudinal multivariable analysis of predictors of injurious violence in a large cohort of 1,435 individuals with schizophrenia. These individuals were the participants in the National Institute of Mental Health’s Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness study. Among these participants, injurious violence was reported in 77 participants (5.4%) and engagement in exclusively noninjurious violence was reported for 119 (8.3%) during the follow-up of 18 months. The multivariable analysis revealed future injurious violence to be associated with baseline injurious violence, recent violent victimization, severity of drug use, baseline noninjurious violence, childhood sexual abuse, and medication nonadherence. For participants with no history of injurious violence at study entry, the strongest predictor was baseline noninjurious violence. As per these findings, they recommend emphasizing medication adherence in treatment strategies to reduce risk.
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