Corrective osteotomy for malunion of distal diaphyseal/metaphyseal radius or ulna fracture affecting stability of the distal radioulnar joint
Injury Apr 07, 2021
Cha SM, Shin HD, Lee SH, et al. - The present study was performed to evaluate whether corrective osteotomy for malunion of distal diaphyseal/metaphyseal radius or ulna fracture affecting the stability of the distal radioulnar joint. Researchers presented the outcomes of corrective osteotomy in a retrospective study. The study enrolled a total of 13 individuals who had undergone the osteotomy for distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) instability between March 2000 and February 2018. It was shown that in DRUJ instability, malunited radius or ulna plays a role, affecting the bony geometry in terms of the association between the sigmoid notch and ulnar head. The results illustrated that treatment of malunion by corrective osteotomy represents a beneficial option.
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