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Coronal tibial alignment is linked to femoral rotational asymmetry: Implications for total knee arthroplasty surgery

The Knee Feb 13, 2019

Hayasaka S, et al. - Authors examined 70 lower limb Computed Tomography (CT) scans to ascertain the relationship of femoral rotational asymmetry (FRA), sulcus line (SL) and posterior condylar line (PCL) with the coronal alignment of the tibia and femur after total knee arthroplasty surgery. They noted mean FRA, +2.9° (SL externally rotated to PCL). They also found FRA higher than 4° (17/70) in 24% of knees. A statistically significant association was obtained between the degree of FRA and proximal tibial varus (MPTA). They concluded native femora constantly rotationally asymmetrical. They observed an increase in external rotation of the SL and internal rotation of the PCL as the tibial plateau became increasingly varus.
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