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Corneal neovascularisation following deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty for corneal ectasia: Incidence, timing and risk factors

British Journal of Ophthalmology May 22, 2021

Pellegrini M, Scorcia V, Giannaccare G, et al. - Researchers conducted the study for assessing the incidence, timing and risk factors of corneal neovascularisation (NV) after deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) for corneal ectasia. Between 2012 and 2020, 616 eyes who underwent DALK in two tertiary referral centres, were analyzed. In one centre topical corticosteroids were stopped after complete suture removal 1 year after surgery, while in the other they were ended 3–4 months after surgery. At 1 year after surgery, the cumulative incidence of corneal NV was 8.7%, and at 5 years, it was 13.2%. The risk of corneal NV is greater in the first year after DALK. Topical steroid discontinuation, ocular allergy, and advanced age are all significant predictors of corneal NV.

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