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Copeptin kinetics and its relationship to osmolality during rehydration for diabetic ketoacidosis in children

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Aug 27, 2020

Burckhardt MA, Gotta V, Beglinger S, et al. - Among children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), researchers conducted this prospective observational multi-centre study to describe kinetics of copeptin and osmolality, and their dynamic relationship during rehydration and insulin therapy. For this analysis, children with T1D admitted for DKA had serial serum copeptin and osmolality measurements from the beginning of rehydration at 14 time points during 72 hours. The sample consisted of 28 children (20 newly diagnosed T1D) aged 1 to 16 years. This is the first study describing the first time copeptin kinetics and dynamics in the high hyperosmolar range in children with DKA. Significant differences in copeptin kinetics have been identified between newly diagnosed and known T1D patients, which may be explained by changes in osmoreceptor and renal arginine vasopressin receptors due to long-standing osmotic diuresis and DKA.

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