COPD as a risk factor of the complications in lower limb arthroplasty: A patient-matched study
International Journal of COPD Aug 29, 2018
Klasan A, et al. - Whether COPD has a role as an independent risk factor for complications after total knee and hip arthroplasty, was investigated in a monocentric patient cohort of 2,760 arthoplasties, propensity score matched using sex, age, replaced joint, American Society of Anesthesiologists’ score, body mass index, hypertension, chronic heart disease, anticoagulation, diabetes mellitus, chronic renal deficiency, and actual smoking status to create 224 pairs. Findings revealed the association of COPD with an increased length of hospital stay, a higher risk of pneumonia and wound infection, higher general complications, and an increased need for red blood cell transfusion. Enhancing the implementation of pneumonia prevention programs on surgical wards was recommended.
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