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Conversion total knee arthroplasty needs its own diagnosis related group code

Journal of Arthroplasty Jun 06, 2019

Yayac M, et al. - Researchers compared patients that underwent primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA) with those that underwent conversion TKA for differences in facility costs. They retrospectively reviewed 2447 TKA procedures in this study; conversion TKA was undertaken in 678 (27.7%), which was associated with greater implant costs ($3931.47 vs $2864.67) and total facility costs in a multivariate regression ($94.30 increase). Findings thereby suggest greater implant and inpatient facility costs in correlation to conversion TKA than primary TKA, particularly in those who had a history of an open knee procedure. Given the increased cost and complexity of these procedures compared to primary TKA, they recommend creating a separate Diagnosis Related Group for conversion TKA.
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