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Conversion of failed proximal long head of the biceps tenodesis to distal subpectoral tenodesis: Outcomes in an active population

Arthroscopy Aug 19, 2020

Peebles LA, Midtgaard KS, Aman ZS, et al. - This study was intended to assess failure rates and patient-reported outcomes following revision of failed proximal long head of the biceps (LHB) tenodesis. Researchers prospectively included individuals from an active-military population who had undergone revision proximal (suprapectoral) to distal (subpectoral) LHB tenodesis. This study included a total of 12 patients (all male) with a mean age of 39.9 years (range, 30-54 years) at a mean follow-up time of 29 months (range, 24-38 months) between 2004 and 2010. This study's findings demonstrate that individuals reporting with symptoms following a proximal LHB tenodesis can be successfully converted to a distal (subpectoral) LHB tenodesis with favorable outcomes. The findings highlighted that, although, in a small sample, there was excessive scarring and synovitis in a majority, which enhanced significantly when treated with a revision subpectoral tenodesis with minimal complication risk and no reported failures.

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