Control of hyperparathyroidism with the intravenous calcimimetic etelcalcetide in dialysis patients adherent and non-adherent to oral calcimimetics
Clinical Kidney Journal Feb 19, 2020
Arenas MD, et al. - Given non-adherence to oral cinacalcet contributes complexity to the control of secondary hyperparathyroidism in dialysis patients, researchers assessed intravenous calcimimetic, etelcalcetide, as an option to control secondary hyperparathyroidism among patients adherent and non-adherent to oral calcimimetics. They employed the Simplified Medication Adherence Questionnaire to determine non-adherence. Non-adherence to the treatment with cinacalcet was reported in about half of the patients. Switching from cinacalcet to etelcalcetide was done in 25 patients (15 non-adherent), who were also observed monthly for 8 months. Etelcalcetide-induced progressive decline in serum parathyroid hormone, from 818 ± 395 to 367 ± 289 pg/mL and from 496 ± 172 to 228 ± 111 in non-adherents and in adherent patients, respectively, was observed with a mean dose of 7.0 ± 2.3 and 5.1 ± 1.2 mg in non-adherent and in adherent patients, respectively. Overall, the apparent lack of response to oral calcimimetic could likely be attributable to the lack of adherence to cinacalcet. In both non-adherent and adherent patients, compliance, as well as control of secondary hyperparathyroidism, was ensured by the use of etelcalcetide.
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