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Contribution of genetics to the susceptibility to hidradenitis suppurativa in a large, cross-sectional Dutch twin cohort

JAMA Dermatology Dec 13, 2020

van Straalen KR, Prens EP, Willemsen G, et al. - Researchers sought to evaluate the heritability of hidradenitis suppurativa in a nationwide Dutch twin cohort. Data were obtained from twins participating in the surveys of the nationwide Netherlands Twin Register in this cross-sectional study on self-reported hidradenitis suppurativa carried out from 2011 to 2016. Hidradenitis suppurativa's narrow-sense heritability was 77%, with the remainder of the variance attributed to unshared or unique environmental factors based on an age-adjusted model incorporating additive genetic factors and environmental factors that are unshared or unique. A stronger than previously assumed genetic basis of hidradenitis suppurativa is indicated by the high heritability observed in this research. Environmental factors have also been shown to contribute to the susceptibility to hidradenitis suppurativa, fostering a multifactorial cause of the disease. Furthermore, in the general population of patients with hidradenitis suppurativa, the findings of this research clearly support the need for a global genome-wide association study.

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