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Continuous renal replacement therapy dosing in critically ill patients: A quality improvement initiative

American Journal of Kidney Diseases Sep 25, 2019

Griffin BR, Thomson A, Yoder M, et al. - In this quality improvement study, researchers report an initiative to standardize continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) practice patterns and attenuate dosing variability. Participants were adult patients who received CRRT at the University of Colorado Hospital between January 2016 and October 2017. The quality improvement intervention included alteration of the electronic medical record (EMR) to cover calculated average 24-hour dose in real time, change of the CRRT procedure note to include comments on dosing, alteration of the CRRT order set to demonstrate calculations, and yearly educational sessions for renal fellows outlining CRRT-specific dosing targets. Findings revealed that doubling of the rate of suitable CRRT dosing and attenuation in dosing variability were achieved via modifications to the EMR and documentation templates and education of CRRT providers regarding dosing.
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