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Continuous glucose monitoring use and glucose variability in pre-school children with type 1 diabetes

Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice Jan 22, 2019

Dovc K, et al. - Using data from the Slovenian National Registry, researchers assessed the correlation between the use of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) and the variability of glucose in pre-school children with type 1 diabetes. The primary endpoint was the difference in glucose variability over five years between periods in which participants used CGM and periods in which CGM was not used. For an estimated observational period of 116 patient/years, a total of 40 children <8 years old were followed. Findings revealed that frequent CGM use (>5 days/week) was linked to a 0.4% reduction in glycated haemoglobin level. Among pre-schoolers with type 1 diabetes, the use of CGM was related to reduced glucose variability during a 5 year follow-up period.
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