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Continuous B-cell depletion in frequently relapsing, steroid-dependent and steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome

Clinical Kidney Journal Jul 29, 2018

Cortazar FB, et al. - Researchers retrospectively assessed the efficacy and safety of rituximab-induced continuous B-cell depletion in patients with frequently relapsing (FR), steroid-dependent (SD) and steroid-resistant (SR) nephrotic syndrome. Inclusion criteria included at least 18 years of age, patients having FR, SD or SR minimal change disease (MCD) or primary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and were treated with a strategy of continuous B-cell depletion. The definition of partial remission (PR) was a urinary protein:creatinine ratio (UPCR) of ≤3.5 g/g and a 50% reduction in the UPCR from baseline. Complete remission (CR) was defined as a UPCR ≤0.3 g/g. PR was achieved by all patients. Based on the findings, they inferred that continuous B-cell depletion represents a therapeutic option in the management of complicated nephrotic syndrome.
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