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Consumption of sugars, saturated fat, and sodium among US children from infancy through preschool age, NHANES 2009–2014

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Sep 26, 2018

Wang Y, et al. - Researchers used cross-sectional data from the NHANES 2009–2014 to determine the mean intake of sugars (%total energy [TE] from added sugars, naturally occurring sugars, and free sugars), saturated fats (%TE), and sodium (in milligrams), the proportion exceeding recommended limits, and leading sources of these nutrients among nonbreastfeeding US children from infancy through preschool age (<5 years old, n = 3,345). They determined the intake by age and comparison across race/ethnicity, sex, and income subgroups by using sampling weights and procedures to account for the complex sampling design. Findings showed that the intake of sugars, fats, and sodium surpassed recommended guidelines before many US children reached school age. The lowest consumption of sugary beverages (sugar-sweetened beverages + 100% juices) was reported among higher-income children. Highest intake of saturated fat was seen in infancy.

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