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Conservative treatment of 3-part and 4-part proximal humeral fractures: A systematic review

Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Aug 28, 2020

Soler-Peiro M, García-Martínez L, Aguilella L, et al. - A systematic literature review was conducted to evaluate criteria for indications, treatment protocols, and outcomes collected with the conservative treatment of 3-part and 4-part proximal humeral fracture (PHF). This study was carried out to search PubMed and Cochrane databases for clinical studies published between 2000 and 2019 on conservative treatment for 3-part and 4-part PHF that included patients older than 18 years, a minimum follow-up of 1 year, fracture classification, and description of outcomes with assessment scales. In this study, the search yielded 26,660 records. While the orthopedic four-part PHF treatment presents a high rate of consolidation with less rate of malunion than the three-part PHF but achieves poor functional results with few complications, the data exhibit that most three-part PHFs treated conservatively achieve fracture consolidation even noting a negligible rate of malunion got fair–good functional results with few complications.

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