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Consequences of fall-induced hip fractures on cognitive function, physical activity, and mortality: Korean longitudinal study of aging 2006–2016

Injury Oct 21, 2020

Min D, et al. - This study was conducted to evaluate the impacts of fall-induced hip fractures on cognitive function, activities of daily living, and mortality from the time the fractures increase. In South Korea, individuals were 8,571 people over 45 years who had never experienced a fall-induced hip fracture by 2006. Individuals were classified into a hip-fracture group (those who experienced one or more hip fractures between 2008 and 2016; N = 306), and a non-hip-fracture group (those who did not experience a hip fracture during this period; N = 8,265). The results of this study illustrate that hip fractures accelerate the decline of cognitive function, physical activity, and increased mortality. The data can be applied to develop fall-prevention programs.

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