Consequences of community water fluoridation cessation for Medicaid-eligible children and adolescents in Juneau, Alaska
BMC Oral Health Dec 19, 2018
Meyer J, et al. - Authors sought to determine whether or not cessation of community water fluoridation (CWF) increased oral health disparities, as measured by dental caries procedures and restoration costs for children and adolescents. They based the analyses on all Medicaid dental claims records of 0- to 18-year-old patients during an optimal CWF year vs all claims for the same age group from 2012, five years after cessation of CWF. The understanding of caries epidemiology under CWF cessation conditions and reaffirm that optimal CWF exposure prevents dental decay is expanded in the findings. Fiscal estimates of the cost burden associated with CWF cessation policies are offered in the findings and help decision-makers advance oral health, prevent dental caries and promote equity in oral health outcomes.
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