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Concordance between fasting plasma glucose and HbA 1c in the diagnosis of diabetes in black South African adults: A cross-sectional study

BMJ Open Jun 22, 2021

Wade AN, Crowther NJ, Abrahams-Gessel S, et al. - Researchers conducted this cross-sectional study to examine concordance between haemoglobin A1c (HbA 1c)-defined diabetes and fasting plasma glucose (FPG)-defined diabetes in a black South African population with a high prevalence of obesity. Participants in the study were 765 black people aged 40 to 70 years and with no history of diabetes. Data reported that the prevalence of HbA 1c-defined diabetes was four times that of FPG-defined diabetes. Concordance between HbA 1c and FPG in diabetes diagnosis was poor in black South Africans, and participants with HbA 1c-only diabetes resembled normoglycemic participants phenotypically. More research is needed to determine which of these parameters best predicts diabetes-related morbidity in this population and whether a population-specific HbA 1c threshold is required.

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