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Computerized fetal heart rate analysis in early preterm fetal growth restriction

Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology Oct 19, 2019

Wolf H, et al. - Researchers examined whether computerized cardiotocography (cCTG) with calculation of short term fetal heart rate variability (STV) in early preterm fetal growth restriction (FGR) could help in preventing fetal death and neonatal asphyxia, morbidity, and 2-year infant neurodevelopmental impairment. They performed retrospective cohort study of all women who were admitted for FGR and/or preeclampsia, and who were delivered by pre-labor Cesarean delivery or had a fetal death before 32 weeks at the Amsterdam University Medical Centre - AMC, between 2003 and 2015. Retrospective calculation of STV of all available cCTG registrations during the last 5 days before delivery or fetal death was done, and classification of decelerations was performed (none, 1-2 / hour or recurrent = 3 or more / hour). Three hundred seventy-six women, with 20 fetal deaths and 356 pre-labor Cesarean deliveries were included. They observed the correlation of the 1st threshold (= very abnormal cCTG) with fetal death and with neonatal asphyxia (including fetal death; n = 99), but not with major neonatal morbidity and 2-year neurodevelopmental outcome. The analysis revealed better efficacy of computerized CTG, in combination with fetal arterial Doppler, with a strict protocol for the frequency of recordings, to prevent fetal death in early preterm FGR than utilizing visual CTG assessment only.
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