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Compression sutures combined with intracameral air injection vs thermokeratoplasty for acute corneal hydrops: A prospective-randomised trial

British Journal of Ophthalmology Oct 07, 2020

Zhao Z, Wu S, Ren W, et al. - Researchers conducted this multi-centre randomised clinical trial to compare the effectiveness of compression sutures combined with intracameral air injection (CSAI) and thermokeratoplasty (TKP) for the management of acute corneal hydrops in keratoconus. Twenty patients with keratoconus (20 eyes) with acute corneal hydrops were recruited and randomized to obtain either CSAI or TKP and followed-up for a period of 6 months. No significant differences were observed in patient demographics, the severity of corneal hydrops and preoperative duration of symptoms between the two groups. The maximum thickness following CSAI and TKP of the corneal scars was not significantly different. While both CSAI and TKP resulted in resolution of acute corneal hydrops in keratoconus, CSAI was correlated in this study with superior clinical outcomes.

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