Comprehensive genomic profiling of recurrent endometrial cancer: Implications for selection of systemic therapy
Gynecologic Oncology Jul 04, 2019
Prendergast EN, et al. - Researchers evaluated if molecular grouping of recurrent endometrial cancer (EC) into the four Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) divisions: POLE ultramutated, microsatellite instable, copy-number low, and copy-number high, could be enabled by comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) in the setting of routine clinical care. They also investigated if genomic alterations which inform treatment decisions can be discovered using this approach. Using hybrid-capture-based genomic profiling, they performed a prospective analysis of archival tissues from 74 patients diagnosed with recurrent EC. They found that molecular grouping of EC into four TCGA categories as well as identification of potential biomarkers for matched therapy was enabled by CGP in the setting of routine clinical care. They also found that 25% (6/24) of cases demonstrated objective responses to the matched therapy, and an additional 37.5% (9/24) patients achieved stable disease, resulting in a 62.5% clinical benefit rate when treatment was administered for a median duration of 14.6 months.
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