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Complications of hip endoscopy in the treatment of subgluteal space pathologies

Arthroscopy Feb 24, 2021

Aguilera-Bohórquez B, Pacheco J, Castillo L, et al. - This study was undertaken to investigate complications of hip endoscopy in patients with subgluteal space (SS) pathologies. Between January 2012 and December 2018, researchers conducted a retrospective study of patients diagnosed with sciatic nerve entrapment (SNE), ischiofemoral impingement (IFI), and rupture of the proximal origin of the hamstring muscles (RHM) who had undergone a hip endoscopy, after a minimum of 3 months of conservative management without satisfactory results. They treated a sum of 97 hips with SS pathologies with hip endoscopy. The findings revealed that in patients with SNE, IFI, and RHM, a high rate of complications correlated with hip endoscopy were found. The most frequent events were SN and posterior femoral cutaneous nerve injury.

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