Complications during continuous renal replacement therapy in critically ill neonates
Blood Purification Apr 06, 2019
Nishimi S, et al. - Via this retrospective analysis, researchers assessed complications during continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) in critically ill neonates, to establish a safe CRRT. For neonates who received CRRT at intensive care unit between 2009 and 2017, the clinical records were reviewed. A total of 70 CRRT sessions with blood priming were received by eight neonates with a body weight of 1,462–3,288 g. According to the findings, intradialytic hypotension (IDH) at the start of the CRRT, body temperature decline, and thrombocytopenia were identified as the complications during CRRT in neonates. It is required to analyze these complications so that a safe CRRT may be established.
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