Complications and reoperations after surgery for 647 patients with spine metastatic disease
The Spine Journal Jun 10, 2018
Pereira NRP, et al. - Researchers ascertained and identified the factors related to having a complication within 30 days of index surgery as well as factors associated with having a subsequent reoperation. They also evaluated the impact of 30-day complications and reoperations on the postoperative survival of the patients, as well as described neurologic changes after surgery. A pre-operative plastic surgery consultation regarding soft tissue coverage should be taken into account by 3 or more spine levels operated upon and prior radiotherapy.
Moreover, for the patient with low preoperative serum albumin levels, a consideration of aggressive nutritional supplementation is suggested if time allows. Awareness regarding the increase in complications in patients presenting with pathologic fracture, undergoing a combined approach, and with any additional preoperative comorbidities by the surgeons was suggested. Findings demonstrated an association of 30-day complications with worsened survival.
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